Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (2024)

Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (1)By: jefm
7/23/2024 8:28 AM

Been a few years since we have been to the OBX. Just got back from a week in Cape Cod & when we were scouting our rental, I mentioned to the wife, "Have you noticed that this place is equipped like home? Lots of pots & pans that match, nice knives, matching dinnerware etc. & Everything works & was clean.

Unlike years past in the OBX when the kitchen was supplied with who knows what, that looked like it came from yard sales, the Salvation Army & thrift shops. With at least one major appliance that seemed to come from appliance heaven because it didn't work 100%

She said "That's one of the reasons why when asked "Where do you want to go on vacation this year? You never hear me say the OBX anymore.


Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (2)By: Tim-OBX
7/23/2024 8:40 AM

Been a few years since we have been to the OBX. Just got back from a week in Cape Cod & when we were scouting our rental, I mentioned to the wife, "Have you noticed that this place is equipped like home? Lots of pots & pans that match, nice knives, matching dinnerware etc. & Everything works & was clean.

Unlike years past in the OBX when the kitchen was supplied with who knows what, that looked like it came from yard sales, the Salvation Army & thrift shops. With at least one major appliance that seemed to come from appliance heaven because it didn't work 100%

She said "That's one of the reasons why when asked "Where do you want to go on vacation this year? You never hear me say the OBX anymore.

Sounds like you stayed in some rentals that were not well cared for, or you are talking about rentals 15-20 years ago when that was very common to see here. I am sure there are still a few cheaper rentals that are equipped as you describe, but not most of them.

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Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (3)By: Mstaszew
7/23/2024 8:41 AM

OBX has them, too. You just have to find the right house. I know of one that'll blow your mind, but I also know of a couple that'll disappoint. What size house do you guys typically look for at the OBX?

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Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (4)By: OceanBlue
7/23/2024 9:32 AM

Depending where you were (the cape, like hatteras is "long") it's a beautiful part of the world....but you still gotta do The Bourne Bridge to get to/from. Based on your positive report though it sounds like you were very luckey and "missed it"

You guys on the inside or outside...if outside, hope you didn't have to deal w closures from the pooched wind turbine.


Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (5)By: xobx
7/23/2024 9:50 AM

Cape Cod just a totally different vacation experience IMO. We find many updated kitchens and baths in reasonably priced homes on HI and drive on beaches are high on our priority list. That said, I'd venture to CC again if the opportunity came.


Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (6)By: rodanth3
7/23/2024 11:17 AM

This board seems to have a mix of renters and owners. People vote with their feet. Years ago, there was no contest for a higher end vacation - Harwich Port and Chatham crush the OBX. Today, less so, but with fewer amenities in the OBX. There is more tourisminfrastructure on the Cape.

The higher end parts of Cape Cod provide a better experience than the higher end parts of OBX, and it shows in the fees. Waterfront in the Cape aint no joke.

This is a nice place in Chatham linked, and you get what you pay for.

Some owners on this board are targeting the same rental demographic for Cape Cod and OBX - wealthier PA, NJ families.



Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (7)By: Greg MD
7/23/2024 12:37 PM

I have run into kitchen short-comings and uncleanliness too many times to count. My no-stress solution has been to start meal prepping about 1 month before we go on vacation. I'll choose five dinners to prep in that month before vacation and I double, or triple the amount. Nothing fancy like I do at home, just simple food in large quantities, loaded into big ziplock bag(s) and frozen flat for the cooler ride. So meats are already trimmed/tied/seasoned/marinated and frozen, meatballs are ready and frozen in the sauce, sausages are parboiled and frozen, ready to grill - you get the idea. No worries about food prep tools or spices at the vacation house. Pull something from the freezer the night before and it is thawed and ready to cook the next evening. I'll pack a chef's knife, a whetstone and a flexible cutting mat to take along for cutting fruits and vegetables. There's always a fillet knife in my fishing gear if needed. Pack some non-stick aluminum foil, a couple of aluminum half chafing pans, some ziplock containers and I can roll out most anything with those on hand. If something still bothers me, I follow my doctor's orders and open another beer.

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Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (8)By: OceanBlue
7/23/2024 1:02 PM

I have run into kitchen short-comings and uncleanliness too many times to count. My no-stress solution has been to start meal prepping about 1 month before we go on vacation. I'll choose five dinners to prep in that month before vacation and I double, or triple the amount. Nothing fancy like I do at home, just simple food in large quantities, loaded into big ziplock bag(s) and frozen flat for the cooler ride. So meats are already trimmed/tied/seasoned/marinated and frozen, meatballs are ready and frozen in the sauce, sausages are parboiled and frozen, ready to grill - you get the idea. No worries about food prep tools or spices at the vacation house. Pull something from the freezer the night before and it is thawed and ready to cook the next evening. I'll pack a chef's knife, a whetstone and a flexible cutting mat to take along for cutting fruits and vegetables. There's always a fillet knife in my fishing gear if needed. Pack some non-stick aluminum foil, a couple of aluminum half chafing pans, some ziplock containers and I can roll out most anything with those on hand. If something still bothers me, I follow my doctor's orders and open another beer.

A guy renting near us couple weeks ago did the exact same thing - he was towing an impressive "off road" trailer (they used to do Carova but now kids are looking for more "action") - in/and on the trailer he had prob 15 pelican totes for dry goods stuff and another group of chilled (dry iced) stuff. Each fam members "stuff" in it's own water proof tote. I was blown away by the organization and level of preparedness...super cool dude to boot.

I contrast that with folks that (especially during covid stimi rentals) arrived with their stuff in garbage bags (which still do the trick) and then flumuxed to find out there is no "real" grocery store in the tri villages.

Like you, this was not this guys first rodeo.


Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (9)By: Stumpy
7/23/2024 1:03 PM

I'll pack a chef's knife, a whetstone and a flexible cutting mat to take along for cutting fruits and vegetables. There's always a fillet knife in my fishing gear if needed. Pack some non-stick aluminum foil, a couple of aluminum half chafing pans, some ziplock containers and I can roll out most anything with those on hand. If something still bothers me, I follow my doctor's orders and open another beer.

This ^. We don't do the "main meal" food prep ahead of time because, when at the coast, we're eating fresh seafood every day. But we bring kitchen knives, linens, spices and, if this rental is a first time for us, a few of the more commonly used pots/pans. In other words, don't bank on anything you need for food prep to be there.

A couple of times we have smoked a turkey breast and/or ham ahead of time to use for sandwiches and chef salads and that has worked out well.

We make the best effort to only buy food/groceries on vacation that are going to be consumed on vacation. The only food we want to be packing home is the already vacuum sealed fillets/steaks from the fish we caught on the charter. Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (10)

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Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (11)By: Greg MD
7/23/2024 2:00 PM

We don't buy groceries on vacation, they're 25-30% higher than home. No problem taking a cooler of frozen meat with us and we don't need to pull a trailer either, lol. We plan a rest stop at a produce stand about an hour from our destination to pick up produce, so that's all we need for the week. We are on the beach usually by noon on arrival day while everyone else is in the grocery store playing bumper carts. You just have to be organized.

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Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (12)By: Bentmtn
7/23/2024 6:03 PM

Whether we are renting, or going down to our little cottage, I always bring food to get us started for a few days. My go to is the honey baked ham store in Roanoke...bone in ham. It sure does make a lot of lunches.

Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (13)

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Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (14)By: Bentmtn
7/23/2024 6:15 PM

And, in keeping with Jefm's post. I get it. It's terrible to get to a rental and there is nothing but junky stuff in the kitchen. To me, that's the cheapest thing that owners can do to make the rental friendly. Families love to have big dinners together on vacay, and the items in the kitchen mean so much. The three rentals we have owned on HI had crummy items in the kitchen and we replaced them. We never owned the big elite cottages or condos, but, just wanted nice things there to make the vacay nicer. I shopped at Tuesday Morning and Marshall's for most of my stuff to replace and it didn't break the bank.

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Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (15)By: LollyGirl
7/23/2024 6:26 PM

When we do our family vacay with the kids and grands, if we aren’t going out to Fish Heads our boys and our daughter do all the cooking ( including breakfast). They are great cooks and all I have to do is sit back and enjoy. They always helped in the kitchen growing up.
And our youngest son’s wife is Italian and cooks it all from scratch.
I’ve lost a lot of my mojo when it comes to cooking. I was no slouch back in the day.
Bent and Greg, sure looks like you two know what you’re doing in the kitchen.

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Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (16)By: Greg MD
7/23/2024 6:59 PM

Thanks, Lolly! And Bent puts out a nice spread too. Love the ham!


Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (17)By: Bentmtn
7/23/2024 7:21 PM

Thanks, Lolly! Greg is the gold when it comes to cooking! I get along since hubby cannot boil water. I'm your typical southern cook with the same 'ol, same 'ol. Really don't like the northern influence on restaurant food made in the Outer Banks. I have not found one single restaurant there that can make decent shrimp IMO. My go-to shrimp is from Boulineaus in Cherry Grove Beach, SC where my parents moved to in their retirement. Those southerners sure know how to cook shrimp.

It's wonderful that your kiddos cook and that your DIL is Italian and makes wonderful dishes!!

My son likes to cook and we made a lot of food together when he was in high school. Daughter was never really interested in cooking until she got married and is a great cook now. Mind you...low carb always. She reads a lot about food and the body......

With our children living out of town and just the two of us, I try new stuff and and sometimes it bombs, and sometimes it's edible. Fun to do while retired coming in five years this August.

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Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (18)By: Bentmtn
7/23/2024 7:29 PM

Thanks, Greg! Honey baked ham is so good! Mom always gives us kids gift certificates for it and they are great for trips. No way I could afford it! $85.00 for half a ham. She knows what we like and it's her always gift for birthdays and Christmas. All five of us ham eater kids...I guess you could call us piglets. It's easy for her to do at age 92 and always wants to give us something bless her heart.

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Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (19)By: Greg MD
7/23/2024 7:38 PM

Bent, ask your daughter about short chained fatty acids (SCFA). That's a deep rabbit hole, but fascinating for a bio science guy like me. Docs don't go into why we need way more fiber in the USA, I had to find out why.

We're big on ham too. My grandmother was a great southern cook and her root beer ham was always a hit.


Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (20)By: Bentmtn
7/23/2024 7:58 PM

Bent, ask your daughter about short chained fatty acids (SCFA). That's a deep rabbit hole, but fascinating for a bio science guy like me. Docs don't go into why we need way more fiber in the USA, I had to find out why.

We're big on ham too. My grandmother was a great southern cook and her root beer ham was always a hit.

I'll ask her! Thanks! She is really into nutrition and makes us watch stuff on you tube and read certain articles. She's convinced that alztimers could be helped with the foods we eat...not to mention many more diseases. She's the one that makes her own clothes washing detergent and homemade deodorant because of cancer causing chemicals we put on our skin.


Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (21)By: Greg MD
7/23/2024 8:17 PM

She's on a great path. Food is the best medicine. But the junk on store shelves is formulated to be addictive so people will binge on it and the companies make more money.

Just eat real food.


Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (22)By: Bentmtn
7/23/2024 8:43 PM

She's so funny. They have three kids in Chicago and obviously cannot go out on the town. When I was there in May I could not believe the amount of money she spent at Whole Foods market. She said it was their only luxury and they always spent more money there than anything. They don't drink adult beverages and just spend money on family food and flowers at Whole Foods. She always has a fresh cut of flowers on her dinner table daily.

Geez....$30.00 for three chicken breasts! So expensive.


Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (23)By: CoolBreezeKDH
7/23/2024 8:48 PM

Enjoy Cape Cod, Jeff. We won't wonder where you went.

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Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (24)By: rodanth3
7/24/2024 10:37 AM

Since the thread has transitioned to food, to keep it in line with Cape Cod comparisons, there is no food comparison. This will be the biggest shock for those renters coming from Cape Cod down to OBX. Cape Cod has some long term restaurants that are year round, and delicious. High end and not fried. Think Lobster Rolls at the Chatham Bars Inn. No contest.

For those souls tired of the no-longer-cheap OBX, when you are shocked at the cost of Cape Cod, wait until you taste that food in Mass.

For those wealthier renters from PA, NJ, MD who want to try OBX once and skip Cape Cod, you could be in a newer home, a bigger home, and definitely one with a warmer pool. You will not be impressed with the food scene. It is perfectly average seafood at best.


Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (25)By: johnbt
7/24/2024 10:58 AM

"you could be in a newer home, a bigger home, and definitely one with a warmer pool. "

Not our thing. Maybe it's just the friends and relatives we have, but nobody is ever looking bigger, fancier, color coordinated, with matching kitchen ware. We only want a beach cottage with a screen porch, some pots and pans for me to fry crabcakes, steam shrimp, and prepare some ocean scallops in butter. Although I must say the scallops in lime cilantro at the Back Porch is better than what I can manage. Maybe we are just recreating our childhood memories of the beach. HA, but I'm not giving up the air conditioning which we never ever had in the '50s or '60s.

I know one guy, a fishing buddy and Friday lunch member, who has to have a pool. He does not like the sand. He just took the extended family to the Bahamas and they had a pool and two hot tubs. The place they rented on Eleuthera was beautiful. Isolated with a private beach and about the size of a small resort. And not at all pricey by OBX standards, even including the air fare.

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Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (26)By: Alexy
7/24/2024 11:06 AM

I will chime in on your cottage equipment needs. Perhaps it would help to reach out to the owner and ask them what the kitchen is equipped with to see if it is suitable.
This is probably not real good if your rental is through an agency but a self or VRBO owner could probably answer every question you have.
I know with our rental we give detailed info on things like the type of coffee maker and that we have a coffee grinder. Steamer pots flat griddles and even the size of the trash can in the kitchen so you can bring the right sized trash bags. If your dining room table seats 8 you should have flatware and silverware for 12 because some will be dirty ect.


Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (27)By: OceanBlue
7/24/2024 11:16 AM

For those wealthier renters from PA, NJ, MD who want to try OBX once and skip Cape Cod, you could be in a newer home, a bigger home, and definitely one with a warmer pool. You will not be impressed with the food scene. It is perfectly average seafood at best.

Totally agree, based on the "do I need pool heat" comments on here, water temp is a huge issue.

Re food - surprised to hear, you being Tri - that places like Waterman's, Goodwinds (fish tacos only) can't match up with the Cape and Islands. We've taken so many C&I folks (close friends and fam that wouldn't BS us) there and they are amazed at what we do here. Lobster rolls, I got nothin', but not my thing anyway...I will say, years ago, two of my then HS aged nephews made and sold lobster rolls on the beach...$30 a pop, made up a 100 a day, sold them out in less that an hour

But, yeah, if your thing is putting your best pappagallo / lity P outfit, and driving your range over to, say, Toppers, we got nothing close/white tablecloths and all that...possibly Cafe Pam (which, my opinion, is way better than anyplace up that way)


Equipped in Cape Cod | OBX Connection Message Board (2024)
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