Programs, Courses & Credits < West Virginia University (2024)

Table of Contents
Academic Definitions Programs Course Information Credits In this section: Academic Definitions Degree Designation Degree Program Major Minor Area of Emphasis Track Undergraduate Certificate Program Graduate Certificate Program Teacher Specialization Bachelor's to Juris Doctor (JD) Rules for Attaining Multiple Credentials Undergraduate Multiple Curricula Graduate Multiple Curricula Modality Definitions Course Delivery Options Distance and Extended Education Program Definitions In this section: Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's Programs Admissions, Enrollment, and Program Standards Tuition and Financial Aid Approved ABM Programs: Bachelor's to Juris Doctor (JD) Requirements for Participation in the Undergraduate 3+3 program Undergraduate Degree Requirements Satisfied through First-Year Law Courses Grading Procedures Fee Arrangements Majors Approved for 3+3 Undergraduate Certificate Programs Minors In this section: Abbreviations Used in Course Listings Schedule Type Definitions Course Number Guide Undergraduate Common Course Numbers & Descriptions Eligibility to Enroll in 500-Level Courses Graduate Credit via Senior Petition Independent Study Classes Directed Study Classes Finals and Last Week of Classes Examinations Final Examination Policy Multiple Examinations on the Same Day Evening Classes Two Semester Courses Examinations Common Examinations Last Week of Classes and Preparation Days In this section: Classification of Students Course Overload Credit Hour Definition Face-to-Face Classroom Learning Online Learning Experiential Learning Awarding Military Credit Study Abroad Studio/Ensemble Work Variable Credit Offerings Credit by Exam Prior Learning Experience Experiential Learning

Academic Definitions

  • Academic Definitions
  • Rules for Attaining Multiple Credentials
  • Modality Definitions


  • Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's Programs
  • Bachelor's to Juris Doctorate (JD)
  • Undergraduate Certificate Programs
  • Minors

Course Information

  • Abbreviations Used in Course Listings
  • Schedule Type Definitions
  • Course Number Guide
  • Common Course Numbers and Descriptions
  • Eligibility to Enroll in 500-Level Courses
  • Graduate Credit via Senior Petition
  • Independent and Directed Study Classes
  • Finals and Last Week of Classes


  • Classification of Students
  • Course Overload
  • Credit Hour Definition
  • Credit by Exam
  • Experiential Learning

In this section:

  • Academic Definitions
  • Rules for Attaining Multiple Credentials
  • Modality Definitions

Academic Definitions

The following definitions are applicable to West Virginia University, WVU Potomac State College, and WVU Institute of Technology.

Degree Designation

A degree, which is an award signifying a rank or level of educational attainment and which is conferred on students who have successfully completed a degree program. The degree is represented by the official degree designation, e.g. B.A. - Bachelor of Arts, B.S. - Bachelor of Science, A.A. - Associate of Arts, etc. The degree designation is noted on the student’s diploma and transcript.

Degree Program

A degree program is defined by the combination of its degree designation (e.g., Bachelor of Science) and a program title that represents the overarching content areas the program's major or majors covers (e.g., Chemistry). Degree programs are approved by the institution and the Board of Governors (BOG) and listed on the official inventory of degree programs. An associate’s degree program requires a minimum of 60 credits. A bachelor’s degree program requires a minimum of 120 credits. Visit the Curriculum and Catalog page of the Office of the University website regarding additional requirements. A master’s degree program requires a minimum of 30 credits. For a doctoral degree, the minimum number of required graduate credits is set by the program. A degree program must include at least one major.


A major is a field of study within an approved degree program with its own curriculum. Typically, an undergraduate baccalaureate major requires a minimum of 30 credits with the majority of credits at the upper-division level. WVU includes major(s) on the students' diplomas and transcripts.


Minors are only available at the undergraduate level. A baccalaureate minor is an area of study outside of the major that encourages students to pursue a secondary field. A minor comprises at least 15 credits, 9 of which must be upper-division level. Minors are noted on the transcript but not on students'diplomas.

Area of Emphasis

An area of emphasis (AoE) is a focused curriculum within an approved major. An area of emphasis adds a specialization within a major area of study. Undergraduate areas of emphasis comprise 12-18 credits, 9 of which must be upper-division level. Graduate areas of emphasis comprise 6-15 credits. If a course is used by all required Areas of Emphasis offered in a major, that course is part of the major's core requirements and cannot be included in the Areas of Emphasis. Areas of emphasis associated with certification or licensure requirements may exceed the credit limit. Areas of emphasis are noted on the transcript but not on the students' diplomas.


Tracks are used in graduate programs to clarify the different program requirements for students depending on whether or not they will pursue a thesis, research, project, or coursework-based path to completion. Tracks are not included on the transcript or on the students' diplomas. Tracks will no longer be permitted in undergraduate program curricula.

Undergraduate Certificate Program

An undergraduate certificate program is a specialized curriculum designed for students seeking expertise in a specific area for personal or career development. A certificate is awarded with or without an undergraduate degree and comprises 12 to 18 credits of course work, with a minimum of nine hours at the upper-division level (courses numbered 300 or above). Each certificate must have a minimum of 9 unique credit hours, distinct from any other academic credential. The certificate appears on the student's transcript and the institution issues an official certificate of completion.Students who are pursuing an undergraduate certificate without also being enrolled in a bachelor's degree program will not be eligible to receive Title IV federal financial aid.

Graduate Certificate Program

A graduate certificate program is a specialized curriculum designed for students who have previously earned a baccalaureate degree or who are enrolled in a WVU graduate or professional program and who are seeking a specific body of knowledge for personal/career development. A graduate certificate program can be completed either independently or along with a degree program and comprises 12 to 21 credits. See the Academic Certificate Policies page for credit limitations applicable to earning a certificate. The certificate appears on the student's transcript and the institution issues an official certificate of completion.

Teacher Specialization

Teacher specialization is a state-approved curriculum that prepares students to meet teaching certification standards in a specialized content area and at a specific programmatic level. Teacher specializations may be a major, minor or area of emphasis. Teacher specializations are added to a student's transcript only at the time of graduation.

Bachelor's to Juris Doctor (JD)

Students accepted into an approved 3+3 Program will start the JD at the beginning of what would have been their fourth year of undergraduate studies. By coordinating the plan of study for both degrees via the 3+3 Program, students who successfully complete the program obtain both their bachelor's and JD degrees in 181 credit hours and six years, instead of the 211 credit hours and seven years that a student normally must complete to receive both degrees.

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Rules for Attaining Multiple Credentials

Undergraduate Multiple Curricula

Multiple curricula refers to the completion of minors, areas of emphasis, or majors in addition to the primary major. If these areas of study are related, some of the credit hours must be unique to each major or minor.

Requirements for multiple curricula include:

  • Each baccalaureate major must have a minimum of 50% unique credit hours. Students pursuing a second bachelor’s degree after the conferral of a first bachelor’s degree must complete a minimum of 30 additional credits.
  • Each associate major must have 15 unique credit hours.
  • A maximum of 6 credits may be shared between multiple areas of emphasis.
  • Each minor must have a minimum of 9 unique credit hours distinct from any other academic credential.

Graduate Multiple Curricula

Graduate and professional students may simultaneously or sequentially pursue more than one degree or major (although no more than one PhD degree), one or more certificates in addition to degrees or majors, or more than one area of emphasis within their major(s) according to rules specified below and elsewhere in the Graduate/Professional Catalog. Applicability of courses and credits to degree, major, certificate, or area of emphasis requirements is the decision of the program offering the curriculum. Individual course credits may be applied to no more than two degrees, majors, or certificates.

Students pursuing multiple curricula are urged to consult with their advisor(s) to ensure adherence to credit sharing limitations.

Credit Sharing Limitations for Graduate Degrees and Majors

No more than a total of 12 of the credits required for a graduate degree (other than PhD degrees, which are not dependent on credit accumulation) can be:

  • earned prior to admission to the degree program,
  • earned prior to graduation with another WVU degree,
  • earned at another institute, OR
  • simultaneously applied to other degree programs or certificates (e.g., while enrolled in the degree program).

Students who simultaneously earn credits toward two or more WVU degrees must, in most cases, graduate with all degrees in the same term to ensure that all credits, including up to 12 credits shared by the degrees, can be applied. Once a student is awarded a graduate degree, only 12 credits earned to that point in time can be applied to a subsequent degree or major.

Exceptions: Doctoral programs that require or allow students to earn a master's degree in the same discipline may count the courses earned in the master's degree program toward the doctoral program without credit limitations. In addition, some approved dual degree programs are allowed to share more than 12 credits.

Credit Sharing Limitations for Graduate Certificates

See Academic Certificate Polices for credit limitations applicable to earning a certificate. See Credit Sharing Limitations for Graduate Degrees and Majors for limitations on applying credits earned as part of a completed certificate to a graduate degree or major.

Credit Sharing Limitations for Areas of Emphasis
Normally, students may share a maximum of 3 credits between areas of emphasis with the same major.

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Modality Definitions

Contingent upon the needs of the unit, faculty/instructors must consult with their respective departmental chairs/college to select the most appropriate instructional delivery modality for their specific course section(s) as noted below. Distance Education Courses are credit-bearing courses in which 50% or more of the course is delivered through distance learning technologies.

All courses should be taught in the modality indicated in the schedule of courses at the time of student registration. In the case of instructor illness or other emergency a course may shift to online instruction with the approval of the appropriate Dean.

Course Delivery Options

  • Asynchronous Online: (100% online + asynchronous only) 100% of class sessions are delivered via distance education technologies. There are no campus visits or visits to designated sites. No synchronous events, including lectures, examinations, etc. can be required, as all students must have the same access to key components of the course. If synchronous events are offered, they must be optional and for enrichment purposes only (guest speakers, office hours, etc.), the core benefits of which must also be offered in an asynchronous format. Cannot be self-paced. Substantive instructor-initiated interaction is present.

Examinations in undergraduate courses are administered fully online asynchronously.

  • Synchronous Online: (100% online + synchronous events) 100% of class sessions are delivered via distance education technologies. There are no campus visits or visits to designated sites. May have both synchronous and asynchronous elements. Synchronous learning events may be required throughout the course. Cannot be self-paced. Substantive instructor-initiated interaction is present.

Examinations in undergraduate courses are fully online, either synchronously (at the regularly scheduled class time) or asynchronously.

  • Arranged Low Residency Online: (75-99% online*) At least 75% of class sessions are delivered via distance education technologies. This type of course may require students to travel to attend an orientation, take exams, or participate in other on-site experiences. May have both synchronous and asynchronous elements. Substantive instructor-initiated interaction is present.

Examinations in undergraduate courses can be offered online or face-to-face.

  • Correspondence: (100% online) Course content and exams are usually delivered via distance education technologies. Interaction between the instructor and the student is limited, is not regular, or is not substantive, or is primarily initiated by the student. Can be self-paced.

Examinations in undergraduate courses are administered fully online asynchronously.

  • Hybrid: (50-74% online*) At least 50% but less than 75% of instruction is delivered via distance education technologies, but some visits to a classroom or designated instructional site are required. The instructor decides which portions of the class are offered in person vs. online.

Examinations in undergraduate courses may be administered face-to-face or online at the discretion of the instructor.

  • HyFlex: All core class content is available both face-to-face and online. Students can choose to attend on campus, online, or move back and forth between the two based on their preference. May have both synchronous and asynchronous online elements.

Examinations in undergraduate courses must be made available to students online, but a face-to-face option
may also be offered at the discretion of the instructor.

  • Traditional/ On-Campus: (less than 50% online*)The majority of instruction is provided in a face-to-face classroom setting and physical attendance is expected. However, students may be expected to regularly supplement their learning through the use of distance learning technology.

Examinations in undergraduate courses are available either synchronously and in-person at the regularly scheduled class time or asynchronously online.

*Percentage is provided as a general guideline and is not intended to be a precise measurement.

Distance and Extended Education Program Definitions

At WVU, Distance Programs are categorized in one of the following three ways:

• Fully Online – (100% distant) – No residency requirement - All required credit- bearing and any non-credit bearing courses and activities are conducted at a distance with NO required campus attendance and/or visits to designated locations. Optional campus visits and/or visits to designated locations are permissible.

• Low residency (75-99% distant) – Limited residency requirement - A majority of the credit-bearing and non-credit bearing courses and activities are either entirely online or mostly online. Some credit- or non-credit-bearing activities may require campus visits and/or visits to designated locations. Example activities could be program orientations or cohort-based site visits.

• Blended (50-74% distant) - Extensive residency requirement – At least 50% of the credit-bearing and non-credit bearing courses or activities are delivered entirely online. The remaining credit-bearing courses may be offered as face-to-face, partially at a distance, or as distance delivery courses.

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In this section:

  • Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's Programs
  • Bachelor's to Juris Doctorate (JD)
  • Undergraduate Certificate Programs
  • Minors

Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's Programs

Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's degree programs (ABM programs) offer WVU students the opportunity to pursue both a bachelor's and a master's degree at WVU in the sameorrelated disciplines in an accelerated time frame. Students in approved programs can takerequiredcourses for the master’s degree at the 400 or 500 levels prior to completion of the bachelor’s degree.

Students admitted to an ABM program will have their bachelor’s and master’s degrees conferred simultaneously upon completing all requirements for both degrees.

The bachelor’s degree in an ABM program must require at least 120 credits, and the master’s degree must require at least 30 credits, including any courses (up to 14 credits) approved to count for both degrees. For additional information, see the section below on Attaining Multiple Curricula.

Admissions, Enrollment, and Program Standards

All ABM students are expected to work closely with an academic adviser.

  • Regular admission may not be any earlier than the semester in which an undergraduate student is expected to complete 60 credits or later than the semester after which the student needs two additional semesters to complete the bachelor’s degree.
    • The minimum standard for regular admission is a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0, with no provisional admission allowed. The individual programs determine additional admissions criteria (such as completion ofspecific courses, entrance exam scores, letters of recommendation, or personal statements).
    • Students must complete at least24undergraduatecredits in residenceto be eligible for admission into an ABM program.
  • Each ABM program will determine when students begin taking graduate-level courses; students should consult the WVU Catalog for theABMplan of study. ABM students do not need to complete a Senior Petition to enroll in graduate-level courses.
    • Courses taken and credits earned whileenrolledas an undergraduate student will berecordedonthe undergraduate transcriptevenwhenused to fulfill graduate requirements.
  • Undergraduate ABM students will have their academic status updated to graduateas prescribed by theirABM program.
    • Studentsmust maintain academic standards set forth by the academic unitcorresponding to their status (i.e., undergraduate or graduate).
    • Students must be switched to graduate statuseffective the semester after they have reached 120 credits andhavemet all other undergraduate graduation requirements. The ABM program coordinator will request the change of status during the semester when the undergraduate requirements are expected to be completed, effective the following semester. If students fail to complete the undergraduate requirements, their status for the following semester willbe changed back toundergraduate.
  • Students admitted to an ABM program must maintain full-time continuous enrollment during fall and spring terms unless given specific permission by theappropriatedean. Individual programs determine enrollment requirements in the summer term.
  • Students admitted to an ABM program may not pursue a dual degree, double major, or certificate unless approved by the appropriate dean(s). They may pursue minors and areas of emphasis as approved by their advisor.
  • Students’ eligibility to remain in the ABM program will be evaluated at the end of each semester. Students failing to meet academic standards of the university, college, school, or program will be placed on program probation for no more than one semester, after which they will be terminated from the ABM degree program. Terminated students and students who choose not to continue in the ABM degree program will be eligible to receive their bachelor's degree when they have completed the bachelor’s degree requirements and earned a minimum of 120 credit hours. The credits earned in graduate-level courses apply to the minimum credits required by the bachelor’s degree program.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Students in an ABM degree program are charged undergraduate tuition and are eligible for undergraduate financial aidas defined by each program in the Catalog.Once the student’s academic status has been updated to graduate level, students are charged graduate tuition. They are eligible for graduate assistantships (with permission of their program) or other graduate student funding opportunities and financial aid.

Approved ABM Programs:

  • Bachelor of Science in Physical Education & Kinesiology and Master of Science in Physical Education Teacher Education
  • Bachelor of Science/Master of Science in Sport Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Sport and Exercise Psychology and Master of Science in Sports Management
  • Bachelor of Science/Master of Science in Journalism
  • Bachelor of Science in Journalism and Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Bachelor of Science/Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Bachelor of Science in Advertising & Public Relations and Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration-Accounting and Master of Science in Forensic and Fraud Examination
  • Bachelor of Science/Master of Science in Economics
  • Bachelor of Arts in French and Master of Arts in Linguistics
  • Bachelor of Science in Immunology and Medical Microbiology and Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences
  • Bachelor of Science in Environmental Microbiology and Master of Science in Applied & Environmental Microbiology
  • Bachelor of Science in Health Services Management and Master of Health Administration
  • Bachelor of Science in Public Health and Master of Public Health

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Bachelor's to Juris Doctor (JD)

Students accepted into an approved 3+3 Program will start the JD at the beginning of what would have been their fourth year of undergraduate studies. By coordinating the plan of study for both degrees via the 3+3 Program, students who successfully complete the program obtain both their bachelor's and JD degrees in 181 credit hours and six years, instead of the 211 credit hours and seven years that a student normally must complete to receive both degrees.

Requirements for Participation in the Undergraduate 3+3 program

Students must declare their intention to pursue the 3+3 Program prior to the start of the spring semester of their sophom*ore year and must have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA. In order to continue in the program, students must have a minimum GPA of 3.2 after their sophom*ore year. Students apply to the College of Law by January 15th of their junior year and must have a minimum GPA of 3.4. No student shall be admitted to the College of Law without completing six semesters of post high-school undergraduate work.

Undergraduate Degree Requirements Satisfied through First-Year Law Courses

The first year of law school (32 hours) will fulfill requirements for both the bachelor's degree and the JD. Students successfully completing their first year of law school may apply to graduate with their bachelor's degree with degree conferral after their fourth year.

Grading Procedures

Grades earned in first-year law school courses will not be included in the calculation of the final undergraduate GPA. The courses and grades will appear on the student's law school transcript, while a notation will appear on the undergraduate transcript indicating that the last thirty credits of the undergraduate degree were awarded for work during the first year of law school.

Fee Arrangements

Students in the 3+3 Program shall pay university tuition and college tuition fees as undergraduate students the first three years and will pay university tuition and college tuition fees as College of Law professional students upon beginning JD coursework in what would have been the 4th year of undergraduate study. Undergraduate financial aid will discontinue after the completion of the third year of study. Beginning with the fourth year, students may be eligible for graduate financial aid.

Majors Approved for 3+3

  • Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
    • B.A. English
    • B.A. History
    • B.A. Philosophy
    • B.A. Political Science
  • John Chambers College of Business and Economics
    • B.S. Economics
  • Reed College of Media
    • B.S.J. Advertising and Public Relations
    • B.S.J. Journalism
  • Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Design
    • B.MdS. Multidisciplinary Studies
    • B.S. Energy Land Management
    • B.S. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
    • B.S. Environmental and Energy Resource Management

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Undergraduate Certificate Programs

For a complete list of certificates and information on WVU's undergraduate certificates, please see our Undergraduate Certificates page.

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For a complete list of minors and information on WVU's minors, pleasesee our Minors page.

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In this section:

  • Abbreviations Used in Course Listings
  • Schedule Type Definitions
  • Course Number Guide
  • Eligibility to Enroll in 500-Level Courses
  • Graduate Credit via Senior Petition
  • Independent and Directed Study Classes
  • Finals and Last Week of Classes

Abbreviations Used in Course Listings

Abbreviations Used in Course Listings
Abbreviation Description
HR credit hours per course
Lec lecture period
Rec recitation period
Lab laboratory period
GLAB graded lab
WEB web-based course
CONC concurrent - listed with PR meaning the course may be completed at the same time as enrollment in the course for which it is listed
PR prerequisite - course must be completed in a term prior to enrollment in the course for which it is listed
Coreq co-requisite - courses must be taken in the same term
Consent consent of instructor required
CR credit but no grade

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Schedule Type Definitions

  • Lectures are taught by faculty, can be taught in small or large sections and through various pedagogical strategies. Typical lecture courses award 3 credit hours and thus meet either three times a week for 50 minutes or twice a week for 75 minutes with twice that amount of time expected for weekly homework.
  • Laboratory courses provide students with experience in manipulating specialized instrumentation, chemicals, other required physical materials, or occur at specific sites. Laboratories are typically attached to a lecture, both of which must be completed at the same time. Typical laboratories meet once a week for two hours. Laboratories may be taught by teaching assistants under the direct supervision of a faculty member. Labs may award credit in which case students will receive a separate grade. When labs do not award separate credit from the lecture, they are calculated as part of the lecture course’s grade.
  • Studios are taught by faculty, can be taught in small or large sections and have a lecture component that is taught through various pedagogical strategies. Like laboratories, these also provide students with experience in manipulating specialized equipment, other required physical materials, or occur at specific sites.Typical studio courses award 3 credit hours and meet multiple times each week but, like laboratories, may meet for more time than 150 minutes a week. Total meeting time plus expected weekly homework should not exceed 450 total minutes of combined time, excepting programs otherwise directed by their accrediting body.
  • Recitations accompany large lecture courses and are composed of smaller groups of students from those lecture courses.Recitations award no credit though lectures may require participation in a recitation and use that as part of the lecture course’s grade. Recitations meet once a week for 50 minutes but are not directly attached to a particular lecture section. Recitations may be taught by teaching assistants.
  • Practicum: Experiential credits to be earned in a supervised setting by an appropriately licensed or credentialed professional or a faculty member typically involving interactions with clients. The practicum experiences are mapped to the program learning goals. On campus practicum will follow the appropriate scheduling guidelines, depending the length and timing of the experience. Off campus courses will meet on a schedule that reflects the professional setting and may include requirements for specific on-site hours based on the program’s accreditation requirements or programmatic learning outcomes.
  • Clinical: Experiential credits to be earned in a supervised clinical setting by an appropriately licensed or credentialed professional, typically involving interactions with patients/clients. The clinical experiences are mapped to the program learning goals. Typically, clinical courses will meet on a schedule that reflects the working environment of clinical setting and may include requirements for specific on-site hours based on the program’s accreditation requirements or programmatic learning outcomes.

Course Number Guide

For convenience, each course of study is designated by the name of the department in which it is given and by the number of that course. The guide for numbering courses is as follows:

Courses 1–99 Developmental and community college certificate courses (does not require WVU Faculty Senate approval) and undergraduate professional development courses (courses that are designed for professional development and require students to possess a high school diploma. These courses do not count toward graduation).

Courses 100 Freshmen/Underclassmen: Intended primarily for freshmen, although upper-division students may take these coursesif needed to complete degree requirements.

Courses 200 Sophom*ores/Underclassmen: Intended primarily for sophom*ores. These courses may have 100 or 200-level prerequisites.

Courses 300 Juniors/Upperclassmen: Intended primarily for juniors. These courses may have extensive prerequisites or be limited to specific majors.

Courses 400 Seniors/Upperclassmen: Intended primarily for seniors and graduate students. These courses are typically limited to advanced undergraduate students and graduate students within a particular major or degree program.

Courses 500 Undergraduate Seniors and Master’s Level: Courses intended for advanced undergraduate students and graduate students. Undergraduate students must receive approval to enroll in 500-level courses.

Courses 600 Master’s Level: Courses intended for master’s degree students (no undergraduates permitted).

Courses 700 Master’s and Doctoral Degree Level: Courses intended for doctoral students and advanced master’s students (no undergraduates permitted).

Courses 800 Master's and Doctoral Degree Level: Courses intended for students in graduate-level professional programs (no undergraduates permitted).

Courses 900 Professional Development: Courses intended for professional development. Students must possess a bachelor’s degree. These courses do not count toward graduation and are not applicable towards a graduate degree. Grading is S/U only.

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Undergraduate Common Course Numbers & Descriptions

199. Orientation to [subject/field]. 1-2 Hr. Orientation to degree programs and requirements, departmental resources, curriculum options, student responsibilities, and opportunities.

293. Special Topics. 1-6 Hr. PR: Consent. Investigation of topics not covered in regularly scheduled courses.

298. Honors. 1-3 Hr. PR: Students in Honors Program and consent by the honors director. Independent reading, study, or research.

393. Special Topics. 1-6 Hr. PR: Consent. Investigation of topics not covered in regularly scheduled courses.

490. Teaching Practicum. 1-3 Hr. PR: Consent. Teaching practice such as a tutor or assistant.

491. Professional Field Experience. 1-18 Hr. PR: Consent. (May be repeated up to a maximum of 18 hours.) Prearranged experiential learning program to be planned, supervised, and evaluated for credit by faculty and field supervisors. Involves temporary placement with public or private enterprise for professional competence development.

492. Directed Study. 1-3 Hr. Directed study, reading, and/or research.

493. Special Topics. 1-6 Hr. PR: Consent. Investigation of topics not covered in regularly scheduled courses.

494. Seminar. 1-3 Hr. PR: Consent. Presentation and discussion of topics of mutual concern to students and faculty.

495. Independent Study. 1-6 Hr. Faculty-supervised study of topics not available through regular course offerings.

496. Senior Thesis. 1-3 Hr. PR: Consent.

497. Research. 1-6 Hr. Independent research projects.

498. Honors, 1-3 Hr. PR: Students in Honors Programwith consent by the honors director. Independent reading, study, or research.

499. Global Service Learning. 1-3 Hr. PR: Consent. Theory and practice of global service-learning. The main objective will be to pair the experiential aspects of meaningful and sustained service in the host community with work from the student’s anchor course by offering a methodological framework for cultural immersion and community service as well as adding to the content of the anchor course.

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Eligibility to Enroll in 500-Level Courses

Advanced undergraduate students may request permission to enroll in a graduate course numbered 500-599. Undergraduate students may not enroll in 600 or above level courses unless they are enrolled in a master’s degree program as part of an ABM program. To qualify, students must be classified as either a Junior or Senior and have a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 scale. To enroll in 500-599 courses, students must complete an Undergraduate Application to Enroll in 500-Level Courses, found on the Office of the University Registrar’s website under the Forms tab and Registration section, and have it approved. Non-WVU students will also be required to submit an undergraduate application for admission and have his or her official transcripts sent to the Office of Admissions from all of the colleges and universities previously attended; the transcript cannot be one sent to the student or by email or fax.

Graduate Credit via Senior Petition

Students classified as seniors may begin graduate study early through the University’s senior petition policy. Senior petition applies only to courses numbered 400–599, and students can receive only 15 graduate hours through the senior petition process. If a student is permitted to receive graduate credit, that credit cannot count toward the undergraduate degree. To qualify, students must be classified as seniors and have a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 scale. To be granted permission to earn graduate credit as an undergraduate senior, students must complete the Senior Petition to Earn Graduate Credit, found on the Office of the University Registrar’s website under the Forms tab and Registration section, and have this approved. Students enrolled in a master’s degree program as part of an ABM program may enroll in graduate-level courses approved for their program without completing a Senior Petition.

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Independent Study Classes

Independent study classes are offered to students in order to provide opportunities for content exploration not typically offered via the normal course rotation.

Students interested in pursuing independent study should contact their academic advisers to determine if independent study is a viable option for them and to identify the process specific to their college and major.

Directed Study Classes

Directed study classes may occasionally be contracted when:

1. The student has achieved a GPA of 2.0 or higher,
2. The course requested for directed study is a requirement for graduation under the student's major, and

  1. There is no possibility of taking the course by the expected graduation date, or
  2. Unavoidable schedule conflict between required courses that are part of a sequence for which a real hardship would occur for the student to be able to complete theirprogram within the expected time frame.

Students should consult with their academic advisers to see if directed study is a viable option for them. All requests for directed study classes require official approval.

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Finals and Last Week of Classes

  • Examinations
  • Final Examination Policy
  • Multiple Examinations on the Same Day
  • Evening Classes
  • Two-Semester Courses
  • Examinations
  • Common Examinations
  • Last Week of Classes and Preparation Days


The modality of examinations in a course is dependent on the modality of the section of the course. Please refer to the appropriate section of the catalog for more details.

In undergraduate synchronous courses, whether delivered online or face-to-face, regular examinations take place during set class time, unless the course has been approved for common exams (see below), or in case of courses where a professional program requires a specific testing mode.

Regular Exams and Final Exams are held in the location of the regularly scheduled class meeting unless students are otherwise notified.

Final Examination Policy

The last week of each semester of the academic year is designated as finals week. Final examinations for the summer term are given on the last day of classes. The undergraduate final examination schedule for each academic term is determined by the Office of the University Registrar at the Morgantown location, the Office of Academic Affairs at the WVU Potomac State College, and the Office of the Registrar at WVU Institute of Technology. The final examination date and time for a class is determined by the class meeting time; except for online asynchronous courses, which do not have a set class time..

No change in time from the published official examination schedule is permitted without approval of the dean of the college or school and the Provost’s designee at the Morgantown location, Dean of Academic Affairs at the WVU Potomac State College, or the Campus Provost at WVU Institute of Technology. Face-to-face finals are held in the location of the regularly scheduled class meeting unless students are otherwise notified.

Except for evening and asynchronous online classes, no final examinations may be given before the examination period begins, and no change in time from that published in the official examination schedule is permitted without approval, excepting classes testing in the University Testing Center in Hodges Hall. An instructor with a compelling reason to change the time of an examination must obtain the approval of the dean of the college or school and the Provost’s designee at the Morgantown location, Dean of Academic Affairs at WVU Potomac State College location, or the Campus Provost at WVU Institute of Technology location. The instructor must then announce the alternative examination procedure to the students via their official institutional email address. Final examinations delivered in the University Testing Center will be made available to students for a minimum of three consecutive days during finals week (the initial scheduled date plus two more consecutive days before or after that date). Students will schedule their own time to take these exams in the University Testing Center.

During regular terms, asynchronous final examinations made available before the beginning of finals week must also be available for a minimum of three consecutive days during finals week.

For all modes of delivery, no class-related activity, except for office hours, may be scheduled during the finals week.

Assignments given in place of a final exam or “take-home” final examinations, excluding projects or assignments that are intended to be completed across the entire semester, may not be due before the final examination date and time for that class.

A student may address complaints related to the final examination procedures in a course to the dean of the college or school in which the course is offered.

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Multiple Examinations on the Same Day

If a student has more than three final examinations on a single day, they may contact one of their instructors to schedule a make-up examination. If an arrangement cannot be made, the student should contact an associate dean’s office.

If students have two final examinations scheduled during the same common examination time period, they must contact the departments administering the common examinations to make arrangements for a make-up examination.
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Evening Classes

Final examinations for evening classes (classes meeting at 6 p.m. or later, or classes meeting at 4 p.m. or later if the class meets once a week) are scheduled during the last week of class. Final examinations for evening classes at WVU Institute of Technology occur during finals week and are on the undergraduate final examination schedule from the Office of the Registrar at WVU Institute of Technology.
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Two Semester Courses

In a course extending over two semesters with continuous subject matter, the second-semester final examination may include content from the first semester.
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The modality of examinations in a course is dependent on the modality of the section of the course. Please refer to the appropriate section of the catalog for more details.

In synchronous courses, whether delivered online or face-to-face, regular examinations take place during the set class time, unless the course has been approved for common exams (see below), or in case of professional-level courses where a specific testing mode is required by an outside agency.

Regular Exams and Final Exams are held in the location of the regularly scheduled class meeting unless students are otherwise notified.

Common Examinations

Some face-to-face and hybrid multi-section courses use a common examination time, as indicated on the Schedule of Courses (Regular Exams) and on the Schedule of Final Exams.

Only approved courses (with days and times listed on the Schedule of Courses or listed on the final examination schedule) may use a common examination time. On the Morgantown location, common examinations may only be administered for courses in which the total course enrollment exceeds 500 students or there are more than 20 sections of the course.

Students will be notified of their assigned location for the common exam.

If a department wants a course to be considered for a common final examination, the unit will need to demonstrate that it is not possible to generate multiple equivalent exams from a test bank, or that, because of documented issues of academic dishonesty, a common examination is required to ensure the integrity of the test. Common examinations are approved at the course level, so all sections of a course must follow the common examination schedule. Requests for a common final examination must be reviewed by the Academic Policy Committee, which will make a recommendation to the appropriate provost.

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Last Week of Classes and Preparation Days

When the calendar permits, a preparation day for finals will be added to the academic calendar. Preparation days for finals are free days on which no papers are due, no quizzes or examinations are administered, and there are no class-related activities other than office hours.

In undergraduate courses of 16 weeks duration, no substantial examinations or quizzes may be given during the last week of classes preceding finals except for practical laboratory tests and make-up examinations. An examination or quiz is considered substantial if it covers 20% percent or more of the course content, or represents more than 20% of the final grade. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the dean of the college or school. Additionally, as per Board of Governor’s Academic Rule 2.5, instructors who administer such assessments must provide meaningful feedback to students prior to the final examination for the course.
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In this section:

  • Classification of Students
  • Course Overload
  • Credit Hour Definition
  • Credit by Exam
  • Experiential Learning

Classification of Students

Undergraduate students are classified as freshmen, sophom*ores, juniors, or seniors. These classifications are based upon the number of hours completed. The classifications are as follows:

Classification of Students
Freshman 1-29 Earned Credit Hours, Inclusive
Sophom*ore30-59 Earned Credit Hours, Inclusive
Junior60-89 Earned Credit Hours, Inclusive
Senior90 or More Earned Hours

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Course Overload

Undergraduate students are not permitted to enroll in more than 20 credits in a fall or spring semester or 14 credits in a summer semester without approval. The student's dean or dean's designee may approve requests of 21 credits in the fall or spring semester or 15 credits in the summer semester. Requests to enroll in 22 credits or more must be approved by the student's dean or dean's designee and the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Academic Affairs.

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Credit Hour Definition

West Virginia Universitycourses offered for credit are based on semester hours.Semesters arefifteen weeks long plus one week for final exams. A single credit hour is equivalent tofifty minutes per week of guided instruction within the classroom.An hour of preparation, or related activity outside of the classroom, is equivalent to sixty minutes per week.

  • Full semester lecture: Fifty minutes (~one hour) of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of 120 minutes of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester hour of credit.
    • 1 credit over 15 weeks = (1 hour in class per week x15 weeks) + (2 hours of homework per week x 15 weeks) = 45 hours of coursework
    • 3 credits over 15 weeks = (3x15) + (6x15) = 135 hours of coursework
  • Part Semester Courses:
    • Courses delivered in a part of term no shorter than 5 weeks long should require an equivalent amount of work
      • 3 credits over 8 weeks = (6 in class per week x 8 weeks) + (11 hours of homework per week x 8 weeks) = 136 hours of course work
    • Courses delivered in a compressed format (typically 4 weeks or less) need not adhere to the definition above but, instead, demonstrate equivalent student outcomes via assessment.
  • Full semester non-lecture courses: For other activities as established by an institution, including laboratory work, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours, where outside of class work is very limited, the calculation typically should still reflect the overall hours of coursework for the length of the semester
    • A lab that meets twice a week for 4 hours would have the following calculation:
      3 credits over 15 weeks = (8 hours in lab per week x 15 weeks) + (1 hour outside of class per week x 15 weeks) = 135 hours of coursework

Face-to-Face Classroom Learning

One credit hour is equivalent to one hour of guided instruction (fifty minute class) and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximatelyfifteen weeks for one semester. The amount of work students engage in remains the same regardless of term duration (e.g., summer, 8 week). The equivalent amount of work may take placeover a different amount of time.One credit hour in other academic activities, as established by the institution, such as laboratory work, internships, practic*ms, studio work, study abroad, experiential learning opportunities, and online learning, must include an equivalent amount of requiredwork.

Online Learning

One credit hour of online learning is equivalent to a total of fifteen hours of direct instruction and thirty hours of additional student work. Direct instruction can occurvia computer-assisted (modules), multi-media interaction, discussions, and/orcompletion ofexams/quizzes/assessments as documented in the course syllabus. Student workincludes activities likereadings andsupplemental assignments. Students mustfulfill these hoursto complete the course requirements as set forth by the course instructor.Online courses developed from existing face-to-face instruction adhere to the defined learning outcomes and assessments of the original face-to-face format for the course.All WVU online programs are reviewed for nationally accepted standards for online learning.

Experiential Learning

Experiential learning, includes opportunities associated with laboratory/lecture courses, research (with or without laboratory), professional development internships, clinical experiences, and service learning. Three hours of experiential learning per week over a period of fifteen weeks receives one credit hour. Students are required to document progress during the course and completion of the stated learning objectives for each experience. Experiential learning courses are expected to adhere to and follow the institutional policy for reporting midterm and final grades. All credit-bearing courses require a syllabus.

Awarding Military Credit

West Virginia University awards college credit for military service listed on a student's Joint Services Transcript (JST). Veterans and current student service members may request credits be articulated in coordination with guidance from their academic advisor and the approval of the Dean of their academic college. Care will be taken to ensure that articulating JST credits is in the student's best academic interest. When approved, WVU will award equivalent course credit. Otherwise, elective credit at the lower (100 level) and upper (300 level) division may be awarded based on the American Council on Education (ACE) recommended credit totals for each ACE ID on a student's JST.

Study Abroad

Study Abroad programs include exchange programs, short-term programs, affiliate programs and other programs that are outside of WVU's pre-approved programs requiring special approval. One credit hour is equivalent to fifteen hours of guided instruction andthirty hours of cultural, linguistic or other types of engagements as described by the syllabus and approved by the faculty, department Chair, Dean, and Associate Provost. Exceptions to this general rule would need to be justified and approved on an individual basis.

Studio/Ensemble Work

In studio courses in the arts, design, and theatre, one credit hour is equivalent toone and ahalfhours of guided instruction and three hours for studio class practice or projects each week for fifteen weeks as defined by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD).In accordance with the National Association of Schools of Music standards, one credit hour of ensemble work in the music field represents three hours of practice each week, on average, for a period offifteen weeks plus the necessary individual instruction as defined by the major subject.

Variable Credit Offerings

Variable credit courses often represent student experiences that range in credit hours based on the focus and discipline of the experience. Practic*ms (teaching and research), field experience,research and laboratory rotations and credit, and independent studies offer a range of contact.One credit hour is equivalent to15 contact hours of guided instruction (e.g., student progress meetings, mentoring) andthirty hours of student work to complete the requirements set forth by the advisor or course instructor (e.g., team meetings, review sessions, thesis/dissertation preparation) over a 15-week period. Instructors/mentors and students should discuss the appropriate number of total credit hours for a given course based on the time needed to attain outcomes of the particular endeavor.

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Credit by Exam

Currently enrolled students with life experiences in an academic subject area may seek to receive credit for a course(s) upon demonstration of competency.Credit is given when a satisfactory degree of competency as defined by the academic unit is shown; no grades will be awarded.

Students may only attempt a course’s credit by exam once. Students may not be, or have been, registered in the current term in the course for which they are seeking credit by exam. Students may not seek credit by exam for any course in which they have previously earned a failing grade.

Beyond the comprehensive assessment measure used to determine competency, an academic unit may also ask a student to prepare a self-evaluation statement prior to taking the exam. The purpose of the statement is to help determine competency as well as to identify the methods by which it was achieved.

WVU administered credit by examination and placement credit is recorded on the transcript as transfer credit, but it does not violate the requirement for 30 of the final 36 credit hours to be taken in residence.

Contact the appropriate academic unit to determine if a course is available for credit by exam.

Prior Learning Experience

In certain cases, and at the discretion of an academic unit, currently enrolled students with documented but untranscripted prior learning experiences such as military training, licensure, software certification, and professional training may seek to receive major specific credit for those experiences.

Students should present documentation to their academic adviser to determine if any previous experiences, prior to enrollment at WVU, may receive transcripted credit in their program and to evaluate the potential benefits and financial aid implications of receiving prior learning credit.

WVU administered credit by examination and placement credit is recorded on the transcript as transfer credit, but it does not violate the requirement for 30 of the final 36 credit hours to be taken in residence.

Students may not be awarded more than 45 credits for prior learning to be applied to their associate degree, 90 credits for prior learning experiences to be applied to their bachelor's degree, and 15 credit hours of prior learning to be applied to their master's degree. Students awarded credit for prior learning must meet the minimum credit hour residency requirement for their degree program level.

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Experiential Learning

Each academic unit has a policy of general applicability controlling the allocation of credit for ad hoc experiential learning.No credit shall be granted for ad hoc experiential learning that is not sanctioned by an approved policy.At a minimum, each discipline shall adhere to accreditation standards of that discipline with respect to credits given toward student advancement based on experiential learning.There should be an equivalence in quantity and quality of ad hoc experiential learning effort and conventional academic effort for a set amount of credit within a discipline.Credit awarded for experiential learning will be posted as transfer work to West Virginia University with the course number of three zeros (000). The course prefix will vary by department granting credit. Credits applied to a student’s record through experiential learning will count in degree (or earned) hours. No formal grade will be entered. While WVU administered experiential learning credit will be excluded from WVU residence credit, it does not interrupt the final thirty credit hours in residence if earned during this period.

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Programs, Courses & Credits < West Virginia University (2024)
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